Hello, I’m Kassi!

My writing journey first started when I was thirty, a busy mom with a toddler and newborn. When I had a margin to myself I wrote in my journal or notes app. The blank page was a place to jot down ideas and process life. In retrospect it was breathing room—in the midst of full days I had a restless desire to pursue my dreams. I hoped to be an author but struggled finding my way as a writer. A struggle involving tears, doubt, and years of feeling stuck.

The writing projects I attempted felt like wandering in a desert trying to uncover a path in the sand. A lot of trial and error. I didn’t think of writing my own poems until poetry became a favorite pastime. I fell in love with the genre and its powers of self-expression, I discovered so much freedom creatively. Poetry is a playful, imaginative language. It doesn’t require a tidy category. Poetry has the magical ability to blur the lines between mythical, spiritual, and cultural. Revealing fresh insight in ways nonfiction can’t do.

Publishing my debut poetry book was a breakthrough creatively. I know what it feels like to have a dream and feel like your’e not getting anywhere. Often we work at our craft in the dark wondering if what we’re creating will breach the light.